Consolation Torun


Stypa in Toruń

The death of a loved one brings pain and suffering. There comes sadness, longing, it is difficult to come to terms with the loss. Sometimes death comes as a surprise, suddenly shatters the tranquility of daily life, arouses opposition, is difficult to accept. However, the mourning period should bring a gradual coming to terms with the death. With time comes consolation, or consolation. There can be many forms of consolation, but most often the mutual support of the community mourning the deceased is helpful. It is not without reason that the term consolation is often referred to as a wake, a family gathering after a funeral for shared refreshments. This custom has been widespread in many countries for hundreds or even thousands of years. Indeed, feasts staged after a funeral were already known in antiquity, among most peoples of the time. If you want to have a funeral gathering in Torun on that day then use the services of the Solaris Hotel from Torun.

You will choose one of the packages that suits you best, or contact us and we will create a unique menu with you in mind. We are experienced in gluten-free, vegetarian, vegan and kosher dishes. All you have to do is notify us of the need!

Menu I
Served lunch 60zł/person.

Menu II

Menu II

Niezapomniane Andrzejki w Toruniu! Zarezerwuj miejsce na najlepszej imprezie tego roku.

Baw się przy muzyce DJ’a i saksofonisty, jedz pyszne dania naszego Szefa Kuchni i delektuj się drinkami na bazie Toruńskich Wódek Gatunkowych.